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Prekindergarten Digital Learning System

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The InvestiGator Club® Digital Prekindergarten Learning System is a comprehensive portal with multiple resources for use in schools, homeschools, distance learning programs, and other flexible teaching models.

Components in the system are a combination of interactive products, such as the Alphabet Flapboard and Investigation Flapboards with Flap Fillers, PDFs of Teacher Guides and other program components, music and posters, and eReaders of the curriculum’s books.

The InvestiGator Club® builds upon children’s natural curiosity about the world and their place in it. “Purposeful Inquiry,” the heart of The InvestiGator Club®, awakens the scientist and explorer in every child.

The InvestiGator Club® provides choices and creative tools for flexible “outside-the-box” teaching that inspires teachers, children, and families.

Best practices are guided by each classroom’s curriculum needs – play-based, project-oriented, or more structured based on the unique experience, teaching style, and goals of the teacher.

Contact us or call 773-935-8358 for a complete component list and to request samples.


  • Alphabet Kit
  • Flapboards and Fillers
  • Daily Routine Posters
  • Oral Language Cards
  • Dilly and Friends®Lapbooks
  • Dilly and Friends Little Books
  • Dilly’s Music and Movement and Posters
  • Listen to Your World Environmental Sounds
  • Family Welcome Guides
  • Building Social and Emotional Development Guide
  • Assessment and Intervention Kit
  • Investigate Math Kit
  • STEAM and Literacy Challenge Guide
  • Bruno’s Buzz Nonfiction Readers
  • Center Cards
  • Outdoor Creative Play and Learning Cards
  • Teacher Guides
