Meet the InvestiGators™
Get to know the InvestiGators™ who started the InvestiGator Club®. From a superhero who can fix hurt feelings, to a little musician who is scared of the dark, to the Gator who loves to read and imagine, the InvestiGators™ connect children to their own world. Every child (and grownup) can find and relate to their favorite character and story.
Sing and Dance
Children can sing along with Dilly and Friends™; as they dance, clap, snap, and move to the lively rhythms and playful melodies. Click on each title in the player below to listen to the song. Then click on the titles to the right to see the lyrics and download a printable copy of each song.
Let’s have some fun with the InvestiGators!
Choose an InvestiGator™ by clicking on their picture in the carousel below to learn more about them and listen to their songs.