InvestiGator™ Bruno Buzzbee
Bruno Buzzbee™ lives in a hive near The InvestiGator Club® tree house in Gator County. Every day, Bruno delivers Bee Mail that comes into his hive from the Buzz Network. He flies messages to and from Triangle Beach™, Circle Forest™, and City Square™. Bruno is great at getting information and giving the InvestiGators™ good advice. When the InvestiGators™ want to know something, they ask Bruno to get “the buzz” for them.
See Dilly’s Photo Album
Click the tabs to explore Dilly Gator’s photo album, and learn about all her InvestiGator™ friends.

Let’s Color Bruno Buzzbee™
Can you color Bruno Buzzbee™ to match his picture above? Have some fun and give him a new look by changing his outfit and sandal colors!
Sing and Dance
Children can sing along with Dilly and Friends™; as they dance, clap, snap, and move to the lively rhythms and playful melodies. Click on each title in the player below to listen to the song. Then click on the titles to the right to see the lyrics and download a printable copy of each song.