The InvestiGator Club® Prekindergarten Learning System: Assessment Tools
Imagine that you are using a map to find your way along a hiking trail. What do you do first? Most likely you look at the map and find your starting point. You find your starting point because you must first consider where you are before you make a plan for where you want to go.
And so it is with teaching. You can’t effectively figure out how to get where you are going without considering what your students already know and can do. That is what classroom assessment is all about: trying to figure out where kids are in relationship to where we would like to get them. No wonder research shows that the effective use of assessment with young children leads to greater gains in learning; teachers who recognize how their children are doing are better able to help them learn.
About The InvestiGator Club®:
The InvestiGator Club® family of early childhood resources delivers play-based learning programs for children from birth through transitional kindergarten. Standards-based curricula are approved and adopted in states throughout the U.S., including Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, Louisiana, Illinois, Minnesota, South Carolina, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Delaware, and more. The delightful InvestiGator Club® characters engage young children in developmentally appropriate experiences that bring joyful learning to classrooms, childcare providers, and families. For more information, email Robert-Leslie Publishing, The Early Childhood Company™, or call 773-935-8358.